Friday, 26 Apr 2024

5 places with hardest name to pronounce


IllustrationIllustration - Pronouncing the name of some places, especially places in foreign countries, can be hard. Sometimes we mispronounce it or pronouncing it in a different way from the local people. There are actually places with names that are very hard to pronounce.

1.       Loachapoka

This is a town in Alabama. The population of the city is small, only around 200 people. How do you pronounce “Loachapoka”? The right pronunciation is LOW-cha-POH-kah.

2.       Nunathloogagamiutbingoi Dunes

This is a beach that is located in Alaska. Its name is long and hard to process. Forget pronouncing, it is even hard to spell. It turns out that no one actually knows the right pronunciation of this name.

3.       Ouachita

This is the name of mountains in Arkansas. Compared to the previous name which is long and hard, this one is a bit simpler. The pronunciation of “Ouachita” is Wash-ee-tah.

4.       Zzyzx

Consisting only of consonants, this town’s name from California seems hard to pronounce. The right pronunciation is actually similar to Zicks.

5.       Ocoee

“Ocoee” is a city in Florida. While it seems easier to pronounce than the other name, it actually has different pronunciations. There are some people who pronounce it Oh-SEW-ee. There are also those who pronounce it Oh-KOH-ee.

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