Tuesday, 23 Apr 2024

Rosetta, the new AI system developed by Facebook to fight the circulation of hate speech on its platform



News24xx.com - Facebook has new weapons to fight the spread of hate speech on its platform. This weapon is an artificial intelligence system (AI) named Rosetta.

This system is only on public display by Facebook, and its function is to help them read and recognize billions of photos and videos circulating on their platforms. That way, Facebook will be easier to recognize which content violates the rules of their policies.

Initially the computer used a method called Optical Character Recognition (OCR) to recognize text in pictures or videos. But of course this technology has a limit, especially because there are 2.2 billion active Facebook users each month, therefore Facebook is creating a new system that can accommodate all the contents that scatter on its platform.

Rosetta, which is currently used on Facebook and Instagram, can also be used to improve the search performance of photos and content in the news feed. The way it works is by extracting text in different languages ??from billions of images and video frames in real time.

Last July Facebook said they would begin to eradicate disinformation content that aims to trigger or exacerbate a problem and lead to violence. Removal of this content will be done for both fake text and images.

Previously, Facebook would only delete content that was directly related to violence. But the new regulation now also includes the distribution of fake news that have the potential to trigger riots. Facebook CEO, Mark Zuckerberg had often mentioned that Facebook was testing the use of AI to clean up Facebook, which is proactively detecting violating contents, not waiting the reports from Facebook users.




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