Tuesday, 23 Apr 2024

Which one is better, hand sanitizer or wet tissue to remove germs in our hands, this is the answer



News24xx.com - Are wet tissue and hand sanitizers effective for removing germs in hands? Drg. Wara Pertiwi O, MA, Head of School and Youth Age Health Subdivision, Directorate of Family Health said that it could be possible even if it is not as maximum as washing hands with soap (CTPS), and must ensure that the wet tissue used contains antiseptic.

In addition to these two objects, hand washing can also be done not only by using special handwashing soap. Dr. Kuntjoro Adi Purjanto, MKes, Chairperson of the Indonesian Hospital Association (PERSI), reiterated the importance of antiseptic content in soap which has functions to kill germs, so it is not a problem to wash your hands using other soap such as bath soap for example.

"Washing hands with water alone does not do anything to clean the hands, soap is the cleanser. I myself believe that people who want the operation after cleaning their hands with alcohol, also wash their hands using soap" he said when met at the 2018 Global Handwashing Day Press conference, Monday, October 15th 2018.

Therefore, he also appealed to all businesses to provide a place to wash their hands. The government, through its Clean and Healthy Life Program (PHBS), has also familiarized CTPS both at home and school, such as CTPS together, meals together, sports, non-smoking areas, healthy canteens, all must support including business people.





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