Thursday, 25 Apr 2024

Get soup delivery everyday for free, this man asks the sender to stop giving him free soup


IllustrationIllustration - Does not like getting free soup delivery every day, this man complained and asked whoever sent him soup every day to stop. In the residential area there are indeed many neighbors who have unique traits and personalities. One of them is neighbor of comedian Hannah Solow from New York. She captured a funny moment when her neighbor wrote a complaint message because someone was sending soup to his house every day.

Read more: Wow! Confiding of a Rich Man Complaining Having a Very Big House, From Room to Fence Can Make You Feeling Too Much

This tweet from Hannah went viral, especially after Hannah uploaded a screenshot of the message, which was sent by her neighbor. "Someone keeps sending soup to my house with the writing, ‘Soup for my perfect little boy’, “I thank you for the free food, but I don't like soup. So please stop it" complained the neighbor through flyers he made.

Many netizens have begun to speculate that the delivery of soup is just a prank. But many also thought that the soup sender did not know that the address he had was wrong. Previous events like this have had happened before. A woman in China, must thwart her strict diet because she always gets many free food deliveries mysteriously.

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