Thursday, 25 Apr 2024

Addicted to penis filler, this granpa has spent GBP 12,000 for it


 Eric Bell Eric Bell - Eric Bell, from West Yorkshire, England, admitted that he did this filler because he often feels unconfident when dating young women who he thought are more interested in the size of his penis. "I used to look down and immediately felt depressed because my penis was too small" he was quoted as saying by the Daily Mail.

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Finally he decided to do filler on his penis. The first injection was done in September 2016. The results were quite significant. This procedure works by injecting hyaluronic acid, the same substance used for lip filler. The goal is to increase penis thickness, and it turns out to be temporary.

Eric was addicted. He continues to carry out this procedure for four times, and will undergo his fifth procedure in January 2019 later. Until now, his penis is 15 cm in diameter. Actually he knows the dangerous risks of this filler, but he claims he is not worried about the risks he will experience later. "I know the risk. I can live with scars or with lumps that are uncomfortable, sometimes even bleeding or infected, but it's worth it" he said.

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According to the American cosmetic surgeon, Dr. Ross Perry, this procedure has side effects, such as bruising, swelling, and the potential for infection and the appearance of scar tissue. "Another potential side effect is erectile dysfunction due to blocked arteries" he was quoted as saying from D'Marge.

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