Thursday, 25 Apr 2024

Choosing #2019GantiPresiden as the title of her thesis, this beautiful student successfully becomes the best graduates


Regita AnggiaRegita Anggia - This student finally graduated to become the best graduate in the Bachelor Program in the 2018/2019 Academic Year II Graduation from the Faculty of Communication Sciences, Padjadjaran University (Unpad). She graduated from the Communication Studies Program with a GPA of 4.00.

Regita Anggia, became better known for the topic on the title of her thesis with the theme #2019GantiPresiden. During the second session of graduation at Grha Sanusi Hardjadinata Unpad, Dipati Ukur street No. 35 Bandung, on Wednesday, February 6th 2019. The woman who was born on November 9, 1998 graduated in January with a thesis entitled "Influence of Attitudes at #2019GantiPresident as a Populist Movement Against Political Participation of Beginner Voters in Padjadjaran University Through the Use of #2019GantiPresiden on Social Media".

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Reporting from the page and, Regita revealed that the topic of her thesis was expected to be what she wrote could be an input for various parties.

"In the future I want to continue researching, because I am very very happy about research, then I want to be better too, and want to go beyond the limits" she said.

After graduating from Bachelor, Regita wishes to continue her studies, especially related to political communication. She also plans to be active as a researcher. This is because research activities are very interesting for her. The research conducted is also expected to be an input for various parties.

Regita revealed that since the beginning of college, she was indeed motivated to get GPA 4.00. She admitted that she was not the type of student who was nerdy, except that she always tried to be the best in every subject.

She admitted, that she had felt burden because she was not used to read many books and understood many theories.

During college, Regita also actively participated in competitions and won a number of achievements. The achievements that have been achieved include the third place in the essay writing competition held by Telkom University in 2017 and the third winner of the Youth Research held by Gadjah Mada University in 2018.

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