Tuesday, 23 Apr 2024

A dog dies protecting family from gunman during shooting



News24xx.com -  A dog, a Labrador named Zero, is lauded as a hero for sacrificing his life to protect his family from a gunman during a shooting.

The incident happened last Sunday night, near Houston, Texas, during the birthday party of Laura Martinez. A gunman opened fire and shot her and her two children. Their dog, Zero, attacked the shooter and got shot during the fight.

“I honestly believe if Zero had not kept jumping on him, he would’ve been able to get shots higher than our legs,” Martinez said, as cited from Fox News.

The gunman, named Javian Castenada, was a friend of the family who they suspect was involved in the robbery of their home. The Martinez family confronted his parents after the robbery, expressing their suspicion that Castenada was the culprit. They had an argument during the birthday party, which escalated into gunfire.

While the family was recovering from the wounds they got during the shooting, they are mourning the death of their beloved dog, Zero, who sacrificed his life to save theirs.






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