Friday, 19 Apr 2024

A 2 years old girl fighting for her life after being hit by stray bullet


Photo : InternetPhoto : Internet -  On March 15th, a toddler named Ariel Salaices was hit by a stray bullet that came from the wooded area near her house.

That day, Ariel was playing with her older brother on a slide. Suddenly, someone fired a gun nearby. The bullet hit her and lodged in her head.

Ariel collapsed and her brother went to find their father. She was brought to nearby medical center before being moved to Knoxville Children’s Hospital.

According to Ariel’s aunt, Stephanie Brown, the bullet hit the right back side of her head, fracturing and severing an artery, causing intensive damage. She ended up having a stroke. But Brown said there are hopeful signs.

“She kept trying to wake herself up. Her pupils were dilating and she was responding to pain and touch, which is a good thing,” Brown said, as cited from People.

The family keeps updating Ariel’s condition on Facebook page “Updates for Ariel”. Although the girl has not regained consciousness, she shows signs that she is getting better.

The police are still searching for the person fired the bullet. They asked anyone who knows the information about the shooter to contact Johnson Country Sheriff’s Department.






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