Saturday, 20 Apr 2024

Exploring Java Trench, scientists found 4 new species live in that deep water area


IllustrationIllustration - The Java Trench is called one of the most isolated points on the face of the Earth. The team of scientists from England named Five Deeps dived to a depth of 23,596 feet, or about 7.1 kilometers to reach the bottom of the Java Trench. It took 2.5 hours to reach the lowest point of the trench.

There, they spent 3 hours before back up to the surface. During that time, they managed to find four species which he said never seen before. The species are looked like snailfish and Ascidean.

"It's not often we can see something very extraordinary that can make us speechless" said Alan Jamieson of Newcastle University who was involved in the expedition. "Of all these unique and rare findings, the Ascidean findings are very extraordinary moments. At present we are not really sure what species they are, but we will find out" quoted from the official website of Newcastle University, on Tuesday, April 23rd 2019.

It is important to know, Ascidean is an invertebrate animal that is spread in almost all waters of the sea and is included in the coral reef ecosystem. However, the species found by Jamieson and others are different from Ascidean in general.

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