Friday, 26 Apr 2024

Aigamo, robot that is invented to help farmers in Japan to replace the function of duck in the rice field


IllustrationIllustration - Ducks have long been used by farmers as a substitute for pesticides because they can remove weeds and eat insects in the rice fields. Now, farmers in Japan are starting to test duck robots for the same task.

This robot which named Aigamo is made by Nissan engineers, and currently the prototype is still being tested in Yamagata prefecture, Japan. You could say this prototype is still like a do it yourself (DIY) project, without a commercialization plan or data that shows its effectiveness. But still this robot is very interesting.

This Aigamo name comes from a type of duck that is currently often used by farmers in Japan. It weighs around 1.5 Kg, and its dimensions are more or less the same as the robot vacuum cleaner on the market, as quoted from The Verge, on Monday, June 24th 2019.

The interesting thing about this robot is how a technology today can be applied into a farm section that has been around for a long time. In fact, it could be that Aigamo could save the culture of farming in Japan which is now being eroded by the times.

Versi Mobile
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