Saturday, 20 Apr 2024

Enliven Idul Adha, Vice Regent of Halim Open Takbir Parade in all over Teluk Kuantan


(Deputy Regent H Halim, drum before the release of the Eid ul-Adha takbir march in Kuantan Bay / zar)(Deputy Regent H Halim, drum before the release of the Eid ul-Adha takbir march in Kuantan Bay / zar) -

TELUK KUANTAN - Enlivening the Eid al-Adha 1440 Hijriyah Day at Kuantan Singingi Regency, a Taaruf parade held all over areas of Teluk Kuantan, which was opened by Vice Regent of Kuansing H. Halim, took place at the Kuantan Bay Block Park, Saturday (10/8) night.

Attended by Regional Secretary Dr. H. Dianto Mampanini, Chief of Police AKBP M. Mustofa, Ministry of Religion of Kuansing represented by Head of Sub-Office of TU, ??Armadis, Head of Agency, Head of Office, Setwan, Head of Office, Head of Section, Head of Section, Head of Office, Middle Kuantan Sub-District Head, and Village Heads in Teluk Kuantan.

Deputy Regent H. Halim in the release speech of the Takbir Parade participants said that the takbir parade was already a tradition for Muslims, especially in Kuansing District. As the purpose of this Takbir parade, in addition to welcoming and enlivening the Eid al-Adha feast, as well as the symbols of Islam.

"Thank God, on this night we can jointly carry out the Takbir parade, in welcoming the Eid al-Adha," he explained.

According to him, with this activity, it is expected to be more encouraging, and love of Islam, as well as an expression of gratitude to Allah SWT

"I invite all of us, let's carry out and follow the takbir parade well and in an orderly and solemn manner so that the takbir, tasbih and tahmid that we recite are truly accessible and accepted into all of our hearts," he said.

Participants of the Takbir parade were visited by mosques and prayer rooms in Teluk Kuantan. 

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