Thursday, 25 Apr 2024

A quarter of parents have given their children pocket money in order to get them to stop looking at their phones


Photo : InternetPhoto : Internet -  A new survey has found that nearly a quarter of parents have given their children pocket money in order to get them to stop looking at their phones, laptops and tablets.

And other parents ‘bribe’ their children to go to bed and do their homework.

According the survey by Halifax found, out of more than 500 parents surveyed, 23 per cent paid children aged eight to 15 pocket money to get them off from their screens. But many children putting that money back into tech by using it to pay for gaming, film and TV streaming. 

As well as getting them away from phones and TVs, 20 per cent of desperate parents have used pocket money as a way of getting their child to bed, and 15 per cent paid their children to finish their homework.

Nearly 60 per cent of parents pay children for chores such as tidying their bedroom, cleaning or washing up.

And 30 per cent of parents would be willing to withhold payment if the work was not up to scratch. In terms of pocket money spending, the research found that 42 per cent of children buy sweets with their pocket money, 31 per cent use it for gaming, and 30 per cent buy toys. 

More than 90 per cent of parents surveyed said they encourage their children to save their money and half of parents let their children download apps, or spend on music or film and TV streaming services. 





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