Thursday, 25 Apr 2024

Regent Amril Inaugurates 48 Admistrator Officers and 89 Supervisory Officers


(Regent Amril Mukminin installed 48 Administrator Officers and 89 Supervisory Officers /hari)(Regent Amril Mukminin installed 48 Administrator Officers and 89 Supervisory Officers /hari) -

BENGKALIS - Bengkalis Regent Amril Mukminin, Monday, August 19, 2019, took an oath of office and inaugurated 48 Administrator Officers and 89 Supervisory Officers.

The inauguration took place in the 4th floor meeting room of the Bengkalis Regent office, including attended by Regional Secretary H Bustami HY, as well as a number of High Primary Management Officers in the Bengkalis Regency Government.

The following are the names of the 38 appointed Administrator Officers, namely Azuar (Sub-District Head), Sufandi (Bantan Sub-District Head), Nasrizal (Talang Muandau Sub-District Head), Khairunazri (Rupat Sub-District Head) and Hanafi (Sub-District Head Bathin Solapan).

Then, Toharudin (Assistant Inspector I Inspectorate), Erry Ibrahim (Assistant Inspector III Inspectorate), Sumarhadi (Head of the Regional Secretariat Trial Session), Rahmad (Head of the Regional Secretariat Organization), Asnurial (Head of the Border Management Section of the Regional Secretariat), and Mohd Amru Herawza (Head of the Regional Secretariat and Governance Section of the Regional Secretariat).

Then, Abd Haris (Head of Finance and Assets of the Regional Secretariat), Nurminsyah (Secretary of the Cooperative Office, Small and Medium Enterprises), Andris Wasono (Secretary of the Office of Tourism, Culture, Youth and Sports), Heri Pratikno (Secretary of the Office of Health), Reza Noverindra (Secretary of Social Service),

Furthermore, Ruslan, (Secretary of the Department of Trade and Industry), Rusmali (Secretary of the Department of Housing, Settlement and Land), Hj Surya Suhersi (Secretary of the Department of Food Security), and Muhammad Thaib (Secretary of Talang Muandau District).

Furthermore, Suryati (Kecamatan Secretary of Pinggir), Daswan (Secretary of Bathin Solapan District), Wahyuddin (Secretary of Siak Kecil District), Ahmad Tarmizi (Secretary of North Rupat District), Refinor (Secretary of Rupat District) and Taufik Hidayat (Secretary of Bantan District).

Then, Jundi Mustari (Bukit Batu District Secretary), Imam Subchi (Head of Health Services for Health Services), Eji Marlina (Head of Public Health for Health Services) and Rinaldi Eka Wahyu (Head of Village Government for Community and Village Empowerment Services).

Then, Muhammad Saleh (Head of Waste Management and B3 Waste Management Office of the Environment), Zulkifli (Head of Environmental Management and Capacity Building Division), Akmal Mahmudi (Head of the Family Planning Division of the Population and Family Planning Office).


Ners Sherly Damayanti (Head of the Micro Enterprise Empowerment Office for Cooperatives, Small and Medium Enterprises), Fauzan Azima (Head of Operational Control, Infrastructure Facilities and Rescuing of the Fire Department), and Donni Sartika (Head of the Health Sector Department of Health).

Muslimin (Head of Public Facilities and Infrastructure Division of the Housing, Settlement and Land Office) Moh Eko Feriyanto (Head of Land Affairs Office of Housing, Settlement and Land Services), Rozali (Head of Economic and Development Research and Development Agency), and Dian Rachmadhany (Head of Division Social and Government Research and Development Agency).

H Zamri (Head of Regional Revenue Agency Control and Development), Indra (Head of Regional Asset Management and Asset Management Agency), Muhammad Haris (Head of Bengkalis Regional General Hospital Service Division), Imelda (Head of Service, Media Transfer, and Automation Division Library of the Library and Archives Service, and Marhalim (Head of the Empowerment of Fisheries and Marine and Fisheries Services).

Eka Heriyanti (Head of the Financial Section of Bengkalis Regional General Hospital), H Ahmad Toha (Head of Administrative Section of Bengkalis Regional General Hospital), and Firdaus (Head of Licensing and Institutional Division of Cooperative, Small and Medium Enterprises). ***

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