Saturday, 20 Apr 2024

The most dangerous tea in the world that you must know


Photo : InternetPhoto : Internet -  You loves to travelling ?

If you’re tired of traditional adrenaline travel and adventure sports, it is time to prepare for a death defying trip to the Huashan Teahouse in China.

Have you heard about the Huashan Teahouse ?

So, it's time for you to try the most dangerous tea in the world. The tea shop nestles at the top of Mount Hua, one of the Five Great Mountains of China. Upon this mountain range lie a number of temples that are the destination for many religious pilgrims, and only the most dedicated and determined people can actually scale the mountain, due to its rocky terrain, exposed and narrow paths, and steep drops.

Located 7000 feet above sea level, the Huashan Teahouse, which was once a temple, is a simple tea shop in terms of service, food, and appearance. Don’t be mistaken though, for it is not that the tea is made of poison or some inedible plant that makes it dangerous to consume. 

What gives the Huashan Teahouse became the world’s most dangerous tea lies in the path that leads you to the tea shop, and not the tea itself.

The mountain is reason enough for devotees to try to overcome the difficult path, the description of the mountain itself is reason enough for adrenaline junkies to try and reach the tea house. The journey consists of many obstacles like a two hour trek from the city, rough and uncertain terrains, man made rickety stairs carved into the mountain without any guardrail, and unstable planks, again without any guardrail.

Once you overcome the adversities, you can breathe a sigh of relief, for once you enter the tea shop, a cup of tea in the end might just be worth it. 

China is known for its herbal tea, and Huashan Teahouse does not disappoint. 

The tea is all natural, and is made of water from snowmelt, rain, and mountain springs.





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