Thursday, 18 Apr 2024

Surface of Kampar River and Batang Nilo Rise, Pelalawan Set Alert Status


Sekdakab Pelalawan, Tengku Mukhlis pimpin rapat penetapan status siaga darurat banjir dan longsorSekdakab Pelalawan, Tengku Mukhlis pimpin rapat penetapan status siaga darurat banjir dan longsor - The Regency Government (Pemkab) of Pelalawan has set the status of a flood and landslide emergency alert starting today, Wednesday 4 December 2019.

This determination was taken through the Flood and Lonsor Disaster Management Coordination Meeting which was attended by Forkompinda, the sub-district heads, Pelalawan Regency in the regent's main meeting room.

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To Pelalawan BPBD, Hadi Penandio said, the determination of the status was based on several considerations. One of them, the rising surface of the Kampar River and the Batang Nilo River.

"From the previous 70 mpdl it is now increasing to 80.43 masl. Besides, the rainfall is quite high," he explained.

Besides determining the status, a number of disaster management preparations were also carried out, as an anticipatory measure.

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"We have prepared equipment and countermeasures. The flood-prone posts have also been prepared," he said.

Hadi Penandio also advised, that people who live on the banks of the Kampar River and Nilo River to increase vigilance.

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