Friday, 19 Apr 2024

Kuansing Regent Mursini Inaugurates Four Village Heads at Sentajo Raya


(Kuantan Singingi District Head, Drs Mursini, M.Sc inaugurates four new Village Heads in Sentajo Raya District (photo / Zar))(Kuantan Singingi District Head, Drs Mursini, M.Sc inaugurates four new Village Heads in Sentajo Raya District (photo / Zar)) -

KUANSING- The Regent of Kuantan Singingi Regency, Drs Mursini, M.Si inaugurated four new Village Heads in Sentajo Raya District, the results of the Simultaneous election some time ago.

The inauguration of the Village Head was at Sentajo Raya Sub-District Office Square on Thursday (12/12). The four Village Heads, namely Muaro Sentajo Village Chief Halmadi Asmara SH, MH, Kapala Langsat Hulu Yatino Village, Geringging Baru Village Head Nang Didi, and Village Head Path Patah Fahrizal.

Kuansing Regent Drs H Mursini, M.Sc in his remarks congratulated the village head who had just been sworn in and taken his oath. "We hope that the Village Heads, can maintain the trust of the community as well as possible, can run with all my heart and sincerity, and serve the community," he hoped.

The newly inaugurated Village Head, are hoped to always support to realize development. "It is also expected to be able to realize the original income of his village, maybe through BUMDes and other levies," he added.

Read more: Deputy Regent of Kuantan Singingi Doing Greater Harvest
"I hope that the Village Government, let's get together and support all the District Government Programs, for the welfare of the Kuansing Community that we love," he explained.

At the end of his speech, Regent H. Mursini also reported the Kuantan Singingi District Government Program in 2020, to be implemented in Sentajo Raya Sub-District starting from Infrastructure, Education, Economy, Socio-Culture and others.

After the inauguration ceremony for the Village Head, the Regent also handed over aid to the flood victims from the Kuansing District Government symbolically received by the Village Heads in Sentajo Raya District. Assistance from Kuantan Singingi Regency Government, for flood victims in Sentajo Raya District in the form of rice and indomie.

"Hopefully with this assistance, we hope to ease the burden on flood victims. Hopefully in the next few days, floods will soon recede," he hoped. (R24 / Zar)


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