Tuesday, 16 Apr 2024

Heartbreaking! Burned Death As a Result of a Fire Disaster at Her Home, It Turns Out This Mother Seeks To Save Her Daughter


Photo : InternetPhoto : Internet

News24xx.com - A mother and child were killed after a semi-permanent house where they lived was engulfed in flames. Unfortunately, the victim is known as Rinai boru Manalu (35) and her daughter Indah boru Hutasoit (3), a resident of Hutasoit II Village, Lintong Nihuta District, Humbang Hasundutan Regency (Humbahas), North Sumatra.

Head of Humbahas Regional Police Public Relations Section, Aiptu S Purba, said the fire was allegedly caused by an electrical short circuit. From the results of the interim examination, it turns out the mother, Rinai was killed while trying to save her daughter Indah Hutasoit who was in the house.

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Not only that, besides killing Rinai and his daughter, the fire also caused burns to Rinai's husband, Rajin Hutasoit (40) and his son Lamhot Hutasoit (4). Not only that, the fire caused material damage to the victim because the semi-permanent house and property were burnt down.

"For the time being, the alleged cause of the fire originated from a shorting of electric current. The material loss was interpreted to be around IDR 200 million," he stressed.


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