Wednesday, 24 Apr 2024

As a result of being imprisoned in Sukamiskin, this was what happened to Sukarno's appetite


IllustrationIllustration - One year languishing in the Sukamiskin prison, Bandung City during the 1931 Dutch colonial era, the food tastes of President Sukarno changed completely.

From the mediocre with pecel sauce, to be so fond of the chili sauce with the basic ingredients of chili and shrimp paste, quoted from, Thursday, January 23, 2020.

Howard P. Jones, former ambassador of the United States in Indonesia, revealed what made the change in appetite to the Proclamator.

"He said because of old habits when he was a political prisoner of the Dutch East Indies government in Sukamiskin Prison, Bandung," Howard replied imitating Sukarno's words.

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If he had met with Sambal Pecel, Sukarno hungrily finished it without looking left and right.

"He eats like being chased by a demon," Howard P. Jones said again.

Sukarno's culinary tastes were witnessed firsthand by the former personal servants of the Sukarno family, Muslih. He almost always makes chili sauce to always be at the president's family's dinner table.

Usually served with catfish plus fresh cassava leaves and papaya. Sukarno will be plucked directly from the strike.

When visiting European or American countries, Sukarno usually asked to be provided with a fresh salad without sauce from the hotel management where he was staying or the head of the palace household there.

As a substitute for the sauce, Sukarno then thawed the pecel sauce he brought from Indonesia.


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