Friday, 26 Apr 2024

The signs of doomsday according to Christianity, number one until seven has occurred today ...


The signs of doomsday according to Christianity, number one until seven has occurred today ...The signs of doomsday according to Christianity, number one until seven has occurred today ... -  You must have often to seen and watched a movie that made with the theme or the concept of doomsday, right?

That film reminds us that there is indeed a doomsday and that time will coming. And one thing that must trust is the final day is sure to come. In fact this is also believed by people who embrace of Christianity.

The coming of the Day of Resurrection is not only believed by people who are Christians, but also by other religions including Islam, Buddhism, and other religions. In fact, each of them also provide signs of the coming of the doomsday.

As a society devoted to the teachings of religion, of course you also need and must to believe this. So what are the signs that start this doomsday?

1. The occurrence of wars in everywhere and various of peace efforts that always continue.

2. There are signs that coming from the sky, such as meteor or falling star.

3. The occurrence of moral decline of the nation in everywhere

4. The occurrence of disasters

5. The science and technology are growing

6. Economic and industrial progress in every country

7. The tribulation and fear throughout the residents in every country about the world war

8. The movement of revival and evangelism on a large scale in the world

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