Wednesday, 24 Apr 2024

Thousands of young girls in Russia sell their virginity by online to wealthy men


Lena  Lena -  Thousands of young girls in Russia sell their virginity by online to wealthy men up to £ 20,000. The young women are recruited by a network of virginity sellers that connect them with wealthy businessmen.

On average, the business of buying and selling virginity is able to sell about 10 virgin girls every month, and they will take a percentage of each sale.

A Russian social media forum that recruits the young women is called 'Desperate Virgins' Club'.

Some women say they can to buy an luxury apartment from the sale of her virginity, while another young girl say that she sells her virginity to raise money to her mother's cancer care.

The girls are awaiting a 300,000 ruble offer - or around £ 3,750.

Earlier, a 17-year-old from Krasnoyarsk reportedly sold her virginity in an online auction for £ 20,000.

Lena, 18, from Moscow said: "Instead of losing my virginity with my boyfriend, it's better if I get some money out from a rich man."

Those who sell their virginity are expected to show a medical certificate that ensures that they have not had sex before. But many women who has sundergo surgery to restore their hymens' to earn money in a lucrative market, according to the report.

Sergey Chumakov, a general director of the Lancet Surgery Center, said: "Many young girls have undergone an operation several times, I know there is a case that a girl who has surgery up to 15 times."

Elena, 22 yo, from Moscow told Bumaga that she sold 'virginity' twice and did not plan to stop from her job.

"This is now being my job and I can live with the money that I get for a few months," he said.

Some girls have defended their decision to sell their virginity.

Dasha, 19 yo, said: "This is not prostitution, I want to meet with a rich man and they connect me with him."

Rita, 18 yo, from Rostov said: 'To start a business, you need capital. You can not make a lot of regular work, but here you do not even have to do anything, but you can get enough money for your life. "

Dmitry, 38 yo, from Siberia says that he has twice to 'bought' an 18-year-old girl and have aims to find a wife. The first girl charge was £ 1,250, the second girl was £ 880, but he failed to find the wife likes he want.

He said: 'During have interourse, she tries not to show her emotion. I asked her how she felt, and she said it was not fun at firs, t but then she started to enjoy it. "


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