Saturday, 20 Apr 2024

Money exchange for Eid is Riba according to ustad Ammi Nur Baits


IllustrationIllustration - Allah reminds the believers, that every time there is a clash between the rules of Shari'a with tradition, they must put forward the rules of Shari'a.

Based on QS. an-Nisa: 65, In jurisprudence, we are taught, if lower law is contrary to higher law, then higher law must be put forward.

The law of Shari'a comes from God, while the laws of traditions are man-made. By ages, in our place, the law of the Shari'a is older, it was established 14 centuries ago. While tradition, it generally comes a long way after that.

Hierarchically, Sharia law is much higher. Because God sets it. Therefore, traditions that violate the Shari'a, should not be preserved. Although it is a tradition of hereditary natives.

In the study of Islamic economics, we are introduced to the term ribawi (ashnaf ribawiyah). And the ribawi stuffs are 6 ie. gold, silver, fine wheat, rough wheat, dates, and salt.

HR. Muslim 4147, 4148, and 4164, as well as HR. Ahmad 11466, mention of the six objects of ribawi, scholars agree, ribawi goods are divided by 2 groups. Gold and Silver. Been qiyas with the first group is the currency and all the means of exchange. Like the currency of our time.

And Bur, Sha'ir, Dates, & Salt. Have been qiyas with the second group is all food that can be stored (al-qut al-muddakhar). Like rice, corn, etc.

From the above hadith, the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam provided the provisions. First, if the exchange is done for similar goods. There are 2 conditions that must be met, must be the same and cash. For example: gold with gold, silver with silver, rupiah with rupiah, or dates type A with dates B type, and so on.

In the above hadith, the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam asserted, must be the same size, the same size and from hand to hand (cash). And if in the transaction there is an excess, the status is riba. If the items are different being trade then the amount may be as you please as long as cash.

If the goods of ribawi are exchanged for the same kind, shall be the same and cash. And if it is exchanged for non-equivalent, it must be cash.

Third, if the barter is done for a different group object. There are no specific rules for this. So it may not be the same and may not cash. For example, buying and selling rice and paid with money or buying and selling salt and paid with money. All may be indebted during mutual pleasure.

About Swapping Money Exchange

In addition, to exchange the money which is a tradition in our society, and there are the excess amount, it is riba. IDR 100.000 exchanged for fractions of IDR 5000 , with an excess of IDR 10.000,. This is Riba. Because it means not the same, even if done in cash.

Because the rupiah in exchange for rupiah is classified as a similar exchange, the condition is 2: equal value and cash. If any additional, the law is riba.

Riba remains Riba, even though its mutual

What if it is done in mutually? Would not it be mutually acceptable to be allowed. Because what is forbidden if there is a forced and not mutual.

In illicit transactions, even if the person is mutually acceptable and sincere, does not change the law. Because this transaction is forbidden not merely related to the rights of others. But he was forbidden for violating the rules of Shari'a.

The person who engages in riba transactions, though mutually, is still prohibited and its value same as great sin. Buying and selling alcohols and drugs, the law is forbidden, even if the people are in mutual agreement.

As with the word of God in the QS an-Nisa: 29, This verse we believe is true. the rules are also true. But if mutually, which is the halal requirement of the transactions mentioned in this paragraph, applies only to halal transactions. Like buying and selling goods and services. While illicit transactions, such as riba, do not apply mutual provisions. Being merely mutually pleased, does not change the law.

There is a reason, the excess is as a fee because he has exchanged money in the bank. He must queue, must carry capital, and so on. so worth a wage.

Obviously this is an incorrect reason. Because that happens instead of hiring people to exchange money in the bank. but what happens is transactions of money with money. And not the exchange of money. Wages are the size of the work volume, not the nominal money exchanged.

For example, Mr. Boss asked Paijo to exchange some money to the bank. Due to this task, Paijo got paid IDR 50.000. We can be sure, either Mr. Boss handed over IDR 1 million to be exchanged or 2 millions, or 3 millions, wages paid to Paijo was still IDR 50.000. Because wages are based on Paijo's work volume, exchanging this money to the bank at one time. While this exchange case is flat, every IDR 100.000, there must be an excess of IDR 10.000 or IDR 5.000,. It's a riba transaction, not a wage.

Riba is one of the major sins. Even one of the sins that was threatened by God, contained in the letter of al-Baqarah: 279, which Ibn Abbas explains that the riba is equalized to committing adultery with your mother. Therefore, the salafs call the sin of riba is more severe than the adultery. While sin and immoral are the biggest source of failure in fasting.  Sin is the cause of the rewards that we have falling. When our ramadan is full of sin, our fasting become so inadequate. Even Allah does not need the fasting that we do. This kind of thing had reminded by the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam in the hadith of Bukhari and other stories, from Abu Hurairah radliallahu' anhu, HR. Bukhari 1903, mentions When there are people who commit adultery on the night of ramadhan, what can be imagined with the fate of his fasting. It may be lost all the reward. What can you imagine, when people do transactions of riba, the sin is more frightening than the adultery, done blatantly in broad daylight ramadhan?

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