Wednesday, 17 Apr 2024

Celebrating the 124th birthday of the founder of the big bang theory, Georges Lemaitre


 Georges Lemaitre Georges Lemaitre - Astronomer and physicist Georges Lemaitre today celebrated his 124th birthday. This Belgian man was the man who first sparked the theory of the formation of the universe, the Big Bang in 1927.

Lemaitre is considered the first person to spark the theory that the universe continues to expand. The theory was later confirmed by Edwin Hubble through observations now known as Hubble's Law.

Born on July 17, 1894, Lemaître originally studied civil engineering. In 1923, he pursued a master's degree at the University of Cambridge before continuing his studies at Harvard and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).

In 1925, he returned to Belgium and became a part-time lecturer at the Catholic University of Leuven. Eight years later, renowned researchers from around the world gathered at the California Institute of Technology to listen to a series of material presentations.

After Lemaître delivered the material on the show, Albert Einstein stood up and said, "This is the most beautiful and most satisfying explanation I have ever heard."

According to the Big Bang theory, the universe starts from a small size with a very hot and very solid state. The universe then expands continuously to this day.

Based on observations in 2009, the universe and the Big Bang began about 13.7 billion years ago. Among other theories of the formation of the universe, Big Bang is the theory with the most comprehensive explanation and supported by scientific methods and observations.

Quoting The Economic Times, thanks to the material he delivered Lemaitre was elected as a member of the Royal Academy of Sciences and Arts of Belgium and the Pontificial Academy of Sciences. Lemaître concluded in 1966, shortly after discovering the existence of cosmic microwave background radiation that reinforced his theory of the birth of the universe.

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