Thursday, 18 Apr 2024

The herd of wildfires dog was ripped off the body of a police until death


The herd of wildfires dog was ripped off the body of a police until deathThe herd of wildfires dog was ripped off the body of a police until death -A man recorded by CCTV was attacked by dozens of dogs in Sovetssky, Russia. The man was so drunk he could not resist the attacks of the dogs. My Newshub reported, the man was attacked when crossing a bunch of hungry wild dogs.


The man flashed with a bottle of wine in his hand. For some reason, the dogs came to gang up at the man. The man fell down and tried to get up, but fell again because dozens of dogs back to torn his body.


After the CCTV video is circulating in social media, the police do the crime scene. From police information, the man was one of the members of the security. The man was found dead with wounds all over his body. From the examine, the man died because his body was torn by dogs around the location.

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