Friday, 19 Apr 2024

It turns out, just with these natural ingredient you can find in your home, you can remove the dark color on your lips


IllustrationIllustration - Beautiful look with natural reddish lips is certainly the dream of women. And sometimes, the use of lipstick itself can also interfere with the color of the lips. The results after using lipstick or coloring, not all lips can receive the effect like that                                                      .

But there's no need to worry about making your lips back to their natural colors. Only with natural ingredients that are around us. The following is quoted from, these are the ingredients and how to use it.


Not only delicious, honey is also useful for removing dark colors on the lips. You can mix honey with brown sugar and rub on your lips and leave it for few minutes before clean it up.

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You can use this one fresh fruit to remove the dark color of your lips. The method is very easy, just slice the lemon and dip it in sugar. Then gently rub it on your lips for about 3-5 minutes every day. Guaranteed your lips will look redden than before.

Aloe Vera

Since in the past age, Aloe Vera has been known to have many benefits. One of them is to get rid of the dark color on your lips. You can apply the aloe vera gel to your lips and wait for a while. After that, clean your lips with plain water.

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Almond Oil

Almond oil can also restore your lip color. The trick is, mix almond oil with lemon juice. Then wipe your lips every day. Your dark lips will change to look redden.


Who likes to drink coffee? Not only its soothing taste, it turns out that coffee can also remove dark colors on the lips. You just mix 2 teaspoons of coffee powder, olive oil and brown sugar 1 teaspoon each. After mixing it, rub it slowly into your lips. It so easy, isn’t it?


It turns out it's not difficult to get rid of the dark lips. Just with natural ingredients that are certainly have no side effects.

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