Friday, 26 Apr 2024

A mother killed her baby daughter by rubbing heroin on her gums


Photo : InternetPhoto : Internet - A mother killed her baby daughter by rubbing heroin on her gums to get her to sleep.

The cruel woman named Kimberly Nelligan, 33, is said to have used the substance on one year-old Jordy at least 15 times before the infant died in October 2018. 

The little girl was found dead at her home in Bangor, Maine. A coroner determined that Jordy had synthetic opioid fentanyl in her system, a powerful painkiller than is often mixed with heroin and which is 50 times more powerful. 

Despite the severity of the allegations facing Nelligan, she posted a Facebook photo of drugs and drug paraphernalia in June this year.

The mother reportedly confessed to using heroin once a week in the months leading up to Jordy’s death, with the child’s dad telling cops he’d seen Nelligan rub it on the little girl’s gums. 

Nelligan is said to have told that unnamed man she’d done the same to her older children to get them to sleep.






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