Thursday, 25 Apr 2024

A Couple were Shot Dead by a Policeman at Home, What's the Problem?


Atatiana JeffersonAtatiana Jefferson -   Atatiana Jefferson, a 28-year-old white woman who was shot dead by a Fort Worth, Texas police officer. Jefferson, her black husband, was killed too at home by a white officer who has since been placed on administrative leave.

Mayor Betsy Price was also present among the crowd.

When being shot, Jefferson was watching his 8-year-old niece at 2:30 am on October 12.

Not accepting his brother was killed, Jefferson's sister Amber Carr protested saying this was one of those phenomenon where people who were supposed to protect us and uphold justice harm us ,.

Jefferson's aunt, Venitta Body, said the Jefferson family was looking for the reason of Jefferson death.



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