Friday, 19 Apr 2024

The Dark Side of Orgasm: Climax Doesn't Always Mean That Someone Enjoys Sex


IllustrationIllustration - Poor orgasms and unwanted climax can make people feel guilty or ashamed, according to scientists.

A study that questioned more than 700 people has various reasons for not enjoying orgasm.

Besides reflecting one's mental state or level of pleasure, feelings also reflect a person's physical reaction.

Couples who are forced to orgasm will not find the pleasure of making love.

Whereas most men force their women to orgasm because for them their partner's climax is the achievement of masculinity.

The researchers concluded that orgasm is not always pleasant. And each partner should not easily assume that their partner enjoys sex just because they have an orgasm.

Researchers say that for 'good orgasm' people must listen to their partner's needs so they can communicate non-verbally.




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