Saturday, 20 Apr 2024

Make Worry, 6-Year-Old Boy Takes Handguns to School


The carried gunThe carried gun - A 6-year-old boy in the state of Ohio, United States was found carrying a gun full of bullets in his backpack when he left for school.

The 6-year-old boy sat in the first grade elementary school called Kids Care Elementary in Columbus, Ohio.

The semi-automatic pistol was brought by this unnamed boy last Wednesday (6 November).

The school found a gun when the boy told his friend about the weapon he was carrying in his bag.

His friend then notifies a teacher and then reports the incident to the local police.

After being investigated, the firearms belonged to his grandfather who were reported missing the day before the incident.

During a press conference, defective Dave Bucy said there was no specific reason for the boy to carry a weapon.

"I think it was motivated by curiosity," Bucy said.

Because, still under age, the child is acquitted of all charges and any indictments.

But the police still continue to conduct a thorough investigation.

Bucy Detectives suggest that the incident does not happen again. He appealed to anyone to keep the possession of firearms that were safe from the reach of children.

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