Friday, 26 Apr 2024

Taking Photos With Firearms, This Texas Babysitter Shoots Her Own Foster Children


(Fun photo taking with a gun, this baby sitter shoots her own foster children)(Fun photo taking with a gun, this baby sitter shoots her own foster children) -

A 10-year-old boy is in serious condition at a Texas hospital after he was accidentally shot by a caregiver who took selfies while holding a gun, Harris County Sheriff's Office said on Tuesday, February 25, 2020.

The woman, aged 19, thought the gun did not have a bullet and began posing with it, authorities told CNN. When she was engrossed in photo taking, the gun exploded and hit the poor boy's stomach. He was later taken to hospital in critical condition, but after surgery, his condition became increasingly serious.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), cases of unintentional shooting occur at up to 18% in Texas and 1.3% are killed by gunfire, and after this accident, police warned everyone not to use weapons like their toys.

"Firearms are dangerous weapons, so be careful to ensure that such things do not happen," Senior Deputy Thomas Gilliland told CNN. "Taking selfies using a gun is not the best thing to do."


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