Thursday, 25 Apr 2024

Jef Sparow Bandar 55 Kg Sabu and Thousands of Ecstasy were Sentenced to Death by Bengkalis District Court


Jef Sparow Bandar 55 Kg Sabu and Thousands of Ecstasy were Sentenced to Death by Bengkalis District CourtJef Sparow Bandar 55 Kg Sabu and Thousands of Ecstasy were Sentenced to Death by Bengkalis District Court - The accused of 55 kilograms of methamphetamine drug cases and dozens of Jefri or Jef Sparow alliance pills to the residents of Bantan District, were sentenced to death by the Bengkalis District Court. The session was held on Tuesday, May 19, 2020 yesterday through online or online zoom.

During the trial, the defendant Jefri or To by wearing a dark shirt and a red prisoner vest and wearing a pilgrim hat sat in a special room in Bengkalis Lapas.

During the hearing, Jef Sparao was accompanied directly by his attorney, Khairul Majid, hearing the judge's decision against the possession of 55 kilograms of methamphetamine and tens of thousands of extracted pills.

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Meanwhile in another place precisely at the beginning of the Bengkalis District Prosecutor's Office, the Public Prosecutor (Prosecutor) of the Bengkalis District Prosecutor's Office, Irvan Rahmadani Prayogo, was also ready to listen to the judges' verdict on the suit. The trial was conducted online since the Covid 19 pandemic.

On the screen of the Chief Judge Rudi Ananta Wijaya accompanied by two member judges namely Wimmi D Simarmata and Mohd Rizky Musmar began to read the consideration of the decision to be taken by Bengkalis District Court. The verdict was read out by a judge member Rizky.

The judge first explained the indictment of the public prosecutor against Jef Sparow where he, in the indictment as a drug dealer and owner of 55 kilograms of methamphetamine and tens of thousands of pills of extraction which were held by the Bengkalis District Police together with the Bengkalis District Police in April 2018.

In the indictment the prosecutor revealed that Jef Sparow was ensnared by article 114 paragraph 2 junto article 132 paragraph 1 of law number 35 of 2009 concerning narcotics. Based on the indictment and the facts of the trial, finally Jef Sparow was demanded the maximum sentence with a death sentence.

Based on the panel of judges' considerations, all elements of the indictment against him were proven legally in the trial. In addition, the judge also argued that there was no mitigation in the trial to ease the sentence of the defendant.

"As for the burdensome matter, the actions of the defendant are counterproductive to the government program which is currently fighting drug trafficking," said panel of judges Rizky Muamar while reading the Panel's deliberations.

After reading out the judge's deliberations, the chairman of the panel asked the defendant to stand up. Then listen to the sentence that will be handed down directly by the chairman of the Panel of Judges.

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"Prosecuting the defendant Jefri alias Jef alias Jef Sparao alia To has been proven guilty legally and convicted of a criminal offense, a conspiracy to commit a narcotics crime without rights and against the law. criminal offense to the defendant with capital punishment, "said the head of PN Bengkalis Rudi Ananta Wijaya firmly.

The chairman of the panel also charged the defendant with court fees. After reading the verdict, the court gave the defendant an opportunity for the decision.

"We will appeal the decision," said Jef Sparow.

Meanwhile, the Bengkalis District Prosecutor's Office stated that this decision still thought and did not determine further attitudes. After hearing the attitude of both parties, the head of the panel of judges firmly closed the trial around 16:45 WIB yesterday.

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