Friday, 19 Apr 2024

7 Ways to Prevent Corona Virus from While on Public Transportation


7 Ways to Prevent Corona Virus from While on Public Transportation7 Ways to Prevent Corona Virus from While on Public Transportation - As we know, a person can be exposed to the corona virus if exposed to cough drops or sneezing of people infected with covid-19.

Apart from cough drops and sneezing, a person can also become infected if it touches the surface of a virus contaminated object.

This makes public transportation vulnerable to the corona virus spread. However, friends do not need to panic.

We can prevent corona virus while on public transportation, here's how:

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1. Avoid playing mobile (cellphone)

When you are on public transportation, you should avoid playing cellphones or other gadgets, yes, friends.

Although it is not easy, it is important to do so to avoid the threat of virus contamination that causes diseases such as covid-19.

In addition, make it a habit to clean your cellphone with antimicrobial wipes or wipes regularly after use.

2. Avoid Holding the Face

Our mouth, eyes and nose are the entry point for various infectious diseases such as corona virus. The hand is a body that we usually use to touch various objects.

Then most likely become a dirty body part. If the dirty hands touch some parts of the face, then various germs such as the virus that causes covid-19 will come into our bodies.

Get used to touching the face when our hands are really clean, for example after washing hands.

3. Protect Yourself from Exposure to Coughing or Sneezing

When you are on public transportation, you should avoid someone who is suffering from coughing or sneezing but does not wear a mask.

We can move a little away, but if the train or bus being boarded is overcrowded so that it cannot move the body, then look away as much as possible.

Face the other side, so that if the person coughs or sneezes, we won't be exposed to splashes.

4. Avoid Touching Some of These Items

Poles, handles, doors, chairs and similar objects may be quite difficult to avoid.

However, as much as possible minimize contact with objects in public transportation.

We can use a tissue if we are forced to touch it, and when we throw it into the trash immediately.

If it is not necessary and the situation allows, we should not touch these objects at all so that the risk of contracting the disease can be reduced.

Because, these objects are known to be a den of germs because every time touched by many people.

5. Not Eating or Drinking

Eating or drinking while on public transportation can increase the risk of disease transmission.

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You see, when eating and drinking it is likely we will touch the mouth.

While at the same time, we also have the potential to hold a variety of other objects as mentioned above.

6. Avoid Busy Hours

If possible, you should avoid taking public transportation during peak hours.

Avoiding rush hour is one effective way to prevent the corona virus from spreading in Wuhan, China.

Dr. Stephen S. Morse of Columbia University's Mailman School of Public Health, USA, who is a Professor of epidemiology, revealed that the density of a place is one of the main factors of transmission of the virus.

7. Familiarize Hand Washing

Get used to always keep your hands clean by washing your hands with soap and running water for at least 20 seconds.

This simple method is called the most effective way to protect yourself from various germs that cause infectious diseases that often nest in our hands.

Now, when riding public transportation and can't wash your hands with soap and water, then you can use alcohol-based hand sanitizers.

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