Saturday, 20 Apr 2024

New Normal, Dandim Reminds Inhil Residents to Obey the Health Protocol


Dandim Inhil when delivering messages to Kodim 0314 Inhil membersDandim Inhil when delivering messages to Kodim 0314 Inhil members - Inhil-After completing a series of activities in the month of Ramadan and celebrating the day of victory, for Muslims, Kodim 0314 / Inhil today starts all the activities of the soldiers as usual.

Dandim 0314 / Inhil Lt. Col. Inf Imir Faishal led the apple activity at Makodim 0314 / Inhil, Jalan Ahmad Yani Parit 9, Tembilahan, Tuesday (26 May 2020), and gave several directions and messages related to what would be carried forward.

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"First of all, I say, on behalf of personal and family, happy Eid al-Fitr, Minal Aidin Wal Faidzin, apologize physically and mentally to all members and ranks of Kodim 0314 / Inhil. Fasting month has passed, but Covid-19 is still "We don't want to keep going. We shouldn't be weak even if we are in a weak position,

"In the future, we will enter a new life, a normal life with a new order. All activities continue as before but all activities must always obey or follow the health protocol to prevent Covid 19. Our lives can be and are likely to always be like this until the experts later succeeded in finding the anti-Corona vaccine, "said Dandim 0314 / Inhil to all Kodim 0314 / Inhil staff.

Lieutenant Colonel Inf Imir Faishal also advised us not to fall into the saturation point and fall asleep.

He also hoped that all members, especially Kodim 0314 / Inhil, hoped to put their personal and family health first. Because according to the Dandim, after members continue to carry out security and outreach, of course after doing so do not let it fall and continue to maintain personal health protocols while on duty in the field.

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"In carrying out our duties, we must not forget to keep our distance, physical distancing. After finishing our assignments, our hands and clothes are thoroughly washed. This is what I always warn and remind all of us not to get bored, forgetful, and bored. Keep our health and always obey the rules of Covid-19, "Dandim ordered.

Meanwhile, Kasdim 0314 / Inhil Lt. Col. Inf Untung Kusmanto hoped that what was conveyed by the Kodim Commander could be carried out properly, which was for the common good and health, both self and family.

"Not only during the implementation of the apple, but this message is expected to continue to be carried out wherever it is. Do not be influenced by the wrong culture of society. We must be an example for many people. Do not even make the wrong habits we follow," he concluded.

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