Saturday, 27 Apr 2024

12 People Confirmed Positive Corona, Papuans Instead Reject Rapid Test


Some Sorong residents who want to undergo a Rapid TestSome Sorong residents who want to undergo a Rapid Test - Residents in two RTs in the Klaligi sub-district, Sorong city, West Papua, reject a rapid test to detect coronavirus transmission early.
This examination was carried out because there were 12 people in the settlement complex of Jalan Perikanan, Kelurahan Klaligi, Distirk Manoi, positively confirmed COVID-19. But they refused the examination and chose to undergo independent isolation.

Then the Covid-19 Handling Task Force team and village officials were assisted by the police and the TNI to persuade residents to be willing to follow the inspection process. But only some are willing to take a rapid test.

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The Head of the Malawei Health Center, Alviana Martaudang, said that this examination had previously been carried out on May 21st. But out of 55 people, only 24 residents are willing to be questioned.

Based on the results of the inspection, the team decided to do a quick test on all residents in the two RTs. Therefore, on Wednesday the team conducted a rapid test on all residents without exception.

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