Thursday, 09 May 2024

Keep the Body Immune, Regent Invites Inhil Residents to Consume VCO


Inhil Regent, HM Wardan when showing the VCO made by InhilInhil Regent, HM Wardan when showing the VCO made by Inhil - Inhil-Regent of Indragiri Hilir (Inhil), Riau, HM Wardan invites the public to consume Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO) to maintain body immunity in the midst of the current pandemic.

VCO itself is the result of the fermentation of coconut which is widely available in Inhil.

"The epidemic is not over. While the government is starting to implement new normal, for this reason, let's keep our bodies from getting sick easily by consuming VCO", invited the Regent

The regent admitted that he was very grateful to the Inhil Scouts and Kadin Inhil who would develop the VCO. Moreover, enough raw materials are available at Inhil.

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The Regent said, his party strongly encouraged the public to frequently consume VCO, because it is very good for maintaining the condition of the body to remain fit, and can increase body immunity.

"Even the president has set the VCO as one of the 55 innovative products on Wednesday, May 20, 2020," HM Wardan said.

Currently, the raw materials for VCO are very abundant, the utilization of this derivative product certainly provides utility or added value to the economic value of coconuts. For this reason, what will be done by Scouts and Kadin Inhil is very appropriate to be developed.

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"To reduce not only VCO, but also liquid soap and dishwashing soap, it can also be in the form of hand sanitizer which can be used in the COVID 19 pandemic," he said.

The same thing was said by the Chairperson of Kadin Inhil H Ardiansyah, during this pandemic, efforts to prevent and break the viral chain are very important. But no less important is to increase the body's immunity so it is not easily attacked by viruses such as Covid-19.

"I appeal to the public to increase body immunity, one of them is by regularly consuming VCO, because it can increase the body's immunity to protect themselves from virus attacks during this pandemic," Ardiansyah said.

Ardiansyah said the cooperation between Kadin and Scouts in the development of coconut-derived products originated from the efforts and activities of the Scouting Caring Movement which was so intense in conducting a series of activities to prevent the development of viruses by spraying disinfectants.

"And we agreed to develop VCO to increase community immunity to fight corona. Moreover, VCO has been legitimized by some experts to be used against corona by increasing body immunity," he concluded.

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