Wednesday, 24 Apr 2024

New Normal Implementation, Public Health Service Urges Communities to Comply with Health Protocol


(M Amin )(M Amin ) -

PEKANBARU - The implementation of new normal in Pekanbaru City, Pekanbaru City Health Office (Diskes) urges people to continue to implement health protocols in the continuation of their daily lives.

Acting Head of Pekanbaru Health Office Muhammad Amin said, the end of the PSBB period and continued with the application of the new normal, does not mean that the people are freed and live the order of life as usual.

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"Still have to implement health protocols. How to bring new habits to coexist with the Covid-19 pandemic," he said last weekend.

According to him, with the implementation of the new normal, all lines must work together in an effort to break the chain of distribution by continuing to implement health and discipline protocols.

In addition, the public is also asked to maintain endurance by consuming healthy and nutritious food and reduce activities in the crowd.

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"Keeping your distance, wearing a mask, washing your hands, and maintaining endurance," he explained.

He reiterated, new normal is not the same as normal or life as usual, because we live side by side with the Covid-19 pandemic, therefore health protocols must be implemented to break the chain of distribution.

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