Friday, 19 Apr 2024

Riau Legislative Council Supports Cancellation of Hajj 2020 by the Ministry of Religion


(Zulfi Mursal )(Zulfi Mursal ) -

Riau Legislative Council member Zulfi Mursal said that his party had no problem if the Saudi Arabian government negated the implementation of the pilgrimage this year because of Corona or Covid-19. Because it can be accepted.

But he disagrees if the Saudi Arabian government allows the implementation of the pilgrimage while the Indonesian government does not send pilgrims to prospective pilgrimage.

Read more: Hotspots in Riau Region

"If the abolition of the pilgrimage is a decision of the Saudi Arabian government, it will be tolerated and accepted by the pilgrims, but if our government does not allow it is an injustice to prospective pilgrims," ??he said. Monday 2 June 2020.

For this reason, said Zulfi Mursal, the party can only appeal to prospective pilgrims in Riau to be patient because they are sure that the prospective pilgrims already intend and have paid the cost of Hajj Ride (ONH) in essence have already carried out the pilgrimage.

"Indeed, prospective pilgrims have longed for the pilgrimage, but because Covid19 cannot leave, it must be legowo and be patient until the Saudi government allows the implementation of the pilgrimage again," he explained.

Read more: Hotspots in Riau Region

Zulfi added the Indonesian Ministry of Religion's decision to cancel the departure of the 1441 Hijri pilgrimage or 2020 AD was also due to the authority of the Government of Saudi Arabia itself, which until now had not been able to ensure the implementation of the pilgrimage this year.

RI Ministry of Religion also said he reasoned that there was not enough time to prepare the implementation of the Hajj in 2020 for prospective pilgrims from Indonesia. Because, various preparations, starting from obtaining a visa to carrying out health protocols must be done by the government in the near future.

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