Wednesday, 24 Apr 2024

Affected by Covid-19, Forced Susi Pudjiastuti Formulated and Fired Susi Air Employee


(Former Minister of Fisheries and Maritime Affairs, Susi Pudjiastuti)(Former Minister of Fisheries and Maritime Affairs, Susi Pudjiastuti) -

Due to the corona virus or Covid-19 which spreads in Indonesia, it has affected various business sectors. One of them is the airline.

In fact, the airline owned by the former Minister of Fisheries and Maritime Affairs, Susi Pudjiastuti, Susi Air, was affected. In fact, Susi said 99% of her airline flights stopped flying.

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"Susi air almost 99 percent of its flights stopped. All were affected," Susi said in a Twitter account recently.

In addition, Susi also did the same thing as Garuda Indonesia to lay off employees.

"We also have to send home and lay off employees ... because the situation is indeed not possible," she said again.

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