Friday, 26 Apr 2024

Cruel! Many People Do Not Know Yet, Eyelash Extensions Turned Into These Cute Animals


Eyelash extensions turned out to come from this cute animalEyelash extensions turned out to come from this cute animal - False eyelashes or eyelash extensions are very popular among people who use makeup, and those who want a thinner and more natural look will often distance themselves from synthetic eyelashes made from man-made plastic fibers. Instead, they will choose silk lashes or feathers that are softer, lighter and will last longer.

Labels on these products claim that mink fur is "100% cruelty-free", "collected safely from free farms" or "taken only after brushing," but animal rights groups such as People for Ethical Treatment of Animals ( MAP) says no mink fur is free from cruelty.

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First, fur cannot be free because they are truly territorial animals and can become aggressive when they are threatened. So, so that their fur can be taken, they are kept in cages on fur farms where they do not get basic necessities such as food, water, and medical care.

In addition, mink doesn't need to be "brushed" like how a cat is brushed, according to PETA. They are not pets that will "pur" when getting "treatment" because naturally, they are afraid of humans. Undeniably, being brushed will be frightening for them, arousing them to fight with their handlers who have no choice but to use force.

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Animal rights investigators have reported that animals trapped in fur farms were cruelly killed for their fur. They were electrocuted, their necks were broken and their skin was torn from their bodies while they were still alive alongside various other cruel methods used by this farm on animals.

Industries like this are the reason why many animal species have become extinct and not surprisingly, European mink is classified as 'endangered' at IUCN with less than 30,000 left in nature.

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