Tuesday, 23 Apr 2024

Unexpectedly, It turns out That the Courtship of Luna Maya and Reino Barack Had Ever Lived Together for 2 Years


Luna Maya and Reino Barack when they were still datingLuna Maya and Reino Barack when they were still dating

News24xx.com - Since Reino Barack decided to marry Syahrini, many parties have highlighted their relationship.

Syahrini is even often dubbed as a "friend eating friend" because suddenly married to Reino Barack who is a former Luna Maya.

In fact, when establishing a relationship with Syahrini, Reino and Luna had officially broken up.

In a sense, Reino Barack and Syahrini who are both single have the right to fall in love.

Angry Luna Maya fans even made one person try to drop Syahrini by spreading fake exciting videos.

Luna and Reino are known to have had a long relationship for 5 years.

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But from the start, Reino Barack's parents did not agree with their relationship.

So that inevitably, both must break the relationship before it is too far away.

Not many people know about the love story of Reino Barack and Luna Maya.

To be sure, Luna Maya had slumped and failed to move on over the failure of her marriage to Reino.

One fortune teller even reminded Luna Maya to stop positioning herself as a victim.

Because the love relationship between Syahrini and Reino Barack is considered sincere and already happy.

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Not long ago, Luna Maya's neighbors revealed the fact that before breaking up, Reino Barack and Luna Maya had reportedly lived together for 2 years.

According to one resident, Reino Barack and Luna Maya had lived together even though they were still dating.

The head of the local RT even then could not reprimand because of Luna Maya's attitude which tends to be closed to residents.

This Luna Maya neighbor admitted that she often saw Luna Maya and Reino Barack's activities while exercising.

"At the earliest you can see sports together," he concluded.

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