Friday, 26 Apr 2024

5 Health Benefits Of Growing Plants In And Around Your Home


5 Health Benefits Of Growing Plants In And Around Your Home5 Health Benefits Of Growing Plants In And Around Your Home - Lovely little plants can sometimes brighten up your whole world. Sometimes you just need a little beauty to brighten up your day with a nice bouquet of flowers or to gift someone with flowers to make them feel a bit better.

Plants can bring you peace, intelligence, and comfort when you need it the most. When you have really bad anxiety, depression, or any other emotional disorders, plants can create a sense of calm for you.

Lots of places have started implementing plants that have health benefits in their offices. So, plants have multitudes of benefits, you just have to find the one that's right for your situation.

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1. Houseplants can provide allergy relieving benefits.
When you have houseplants, you may notice that you have less dust — this is because houseplants are natural filters that can catch allergens and anything in the air and help filter it out for fresher, cleaner air.

Some great houseplants that are known to have allergy-relieving benefits are Chinese evergreens or peace lilies. However, violets and other plants that have textured leaves may be better to filter out any airborne particles.

Palm trees like Areca Palm, the lady palm, and bamboo palm are also commonly used in homes to help reduce allergens floating around in the air.

But watch out for any plants that produce pollen, because pollen can actually make allergies worse.

2. Plants can boost your mood.
When you have flowers in the room, they automatically make you feel better. They brighten up the room and they can make you worry less.

Having a fresh bouquet of flowers will help you have a better outlook on life — this is why flowers are commonly gifted for special occasions. According to Manic Botanic, the tradition of giving flowers as a gift is to connect and convey emotion, and there are theories out there that certain flowers mean different things.

Try growing a lipstick plant in your own home — it is always blooming, so you'll get the benefits of seeing flowers nearly year-round.

3. Houseplants are good for your skin.
Something great about houseplants, or particularly spider plants, is that they are known to boost the humidity in a room. These are great to have during the winter when the humidity is low because you have the heater on.

When the room is dry, you have greater chances of catching the flu or a cold, not to mention that that dryness also transfers to your skin too, making you itch more.

These spider plants are known to increase the humidity in a room by up to 10%, which is a lot more comfortable for us to breathe and helps us keep our skin soft and supple.

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4. Air purifying plants for your home help keep your home clean.
As we well know, everything around us puts off pollutants into the air. These pollutants can build up and start to irritate our lungs, eyes, and skin. People with conditions like asthma are particularly sensitive to those things floating around in the air.

That's why houseplants like English ivy, dragon trees, and asparagus ferns are great air purifiers to have in every room in your house.

5. Growing certain plants like herbs can help with digestion issues.
You can grow herbs like mint, basil, peppermint, and spearmint right in your kitchen so that you can have them to use in your cooking — particularly when you are suffering from digestive problems.

All of these herbs can be steeped in hot water and you can drink them for specific purposes. Like mint — which can help reduce bloating, gas, and any other unsavory problems you may have after you eat.

Basil is also a great herb that's easy to grow and it can help your stomach calm down if you're suffering from something like acid reflux.

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