Wednesday, 24 Apr 2024

Fire, one unit of boarding house was burned


Fire, one unit of boarding house was burnedFire, one unit of boarding house was burned - One unit of boarding house in Sambu Market, Air Tawar Village, Kateman District, Indragiri Hilir was completely engulfed in flames, on July 05, 2020. Although there were no fatalities, material losses were estimated at 300 million IDR

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"The incident was initially known to the owner of Surisiah boarding house (52) at 04.00 WIB he woke up and was ready to pray at dawn. At that time the electricity condition was off, he also checked the Miniature Circuit Breaker / electricity meter located on the front porch of the room on the floor two, "said Indragiri Hilir Resort Police Chief Adjunct Senior Commissioner Indra Duaman through the Head of the Public Relations sub-section, Adjunct Police Commissioner Warno Akman.

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Bhayangkara Trustees of Public Security and Order along with the security of PT. PSG and assisted by residents arrived at the location and successfully extinguished the fire at around 06.00 WIB using 1 unit of Robin machine owned by PT. PSG Sungai Guntung.

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