Friday, 26 Apr 2024

Hypnotic suspect, Tanjung Batu resident secured on Indragiri Hilir Pulau Burung


The suspect was secured at the Pulau Burung Police StationThe suspect was secured at the Pulau Burung Police Station - A large-aged middle-aged man was arrested by the Pulau Burung Sector Police, Indragiri Hilir Regency, Riau.

The man who is a resident of Tanjung Batu was secured after a report from the Tanjung Batu Sector Police, Riau Islands Province that he was a suspected hypnotist.

"We are safeguarding this person, the incident report is in Tanjung Batu," explained the Police Chief of the Indragiri Hilir sector, Adjunct Senior Commissioner Indra Dhuaman through the Chief of the Indragiri Hilir Sector Police Regulatory, Adjunct Police Commissioner Indra L.

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He explained the suspect himself had been picked up by the Tanjung Batu Police Station on Wednesday, July 8, 2020.

He added that for the Pulau Burung Police Sector itself there was no report regarding the residents who were victims of the male hypnotist.

"We only help to secure, related to other things is the authority of the Tanjung Batu Police Department," he said.

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