Saturday, 20 Apr 2024

Bitter Melon, Which is Known to be Healthy, Can Turn Out to be Toxic if Consumed with a Row of Food


Bitter melonBitter melon - Bitter melon is often believed to be a healthy vegetable. Its good health benefits are also not in doubt.

Many people use bitter melon to prevent various types of diseases, whether processed into vegetables or even juiced.

But do not ever eat bitter melon with some of these foods.

Next is a row of foods that are never eaten together with bitter melon.

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1. Shrimp
Do not occasionally combine bitter gourd with shrimp. Bitter melon which also has a bitter taste also contains high vitamin C.

If consumed with foods containing arsenic chemotherapy 5 it will turn into arsenic valence 3 when meeting vitamin C.

Where arsenic is a toxic substance that is very dangerous for health.

2. Drink tea
If Moms already consume bitter melon it's good to wait a while when going to drink tea.

When consuming these two ingredients, there is a risk that you may experience stomach pain.

Read more: Can't Eat Meat? Here Are 10 Sources of Vegetable Protein That Can Be Good For You To Take

3. Mangosteen
Mangosteen juice is rich in amazing health benefits
The efficacy of mangosteen is certainly no doubt, right?

Although equally healthy, combining mangosteen and bitter melon is not recommended.

Because if consumed together will make the body uncomfortable.

The digestive system will be disrupted and have bad consequences.

It's good to give a break when consuming mangosteen and bitter melon.

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