Friday, 26 Apr 2024

Sex Predator from France who Molested 305 Children Finally Killed Himself in a Metro Jaya Detention Cell


The police announced the death of a French citizen of child abuseThe police announced the death of a French citizen of child abuse - Suspected of the molestation of a minor, FAC (65) ended tragically. This French citizen was declared dead after an attempted suicide attempt with a cable in a Metro Jaya detention cell.

The FAC was found by the prison guard on Thursday night (9). When found, the condition of his neck was bound by a cable.

Even so, FAC is not in a dependent condition. But allegedly, he trapped his neck with a rope and his body was used as a burden.

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The cable is on the cell wall which is quite high in position. The cable was grabbed by the FAC after climbing the bathroom wall.

"It is quite high indeed, but with the height concerned, it can be reached by climbing the existing bathroom wall. If an ordinary person will not reach, but because he is tall so he can take it and then wrap it around his neck," Kombes Yusri Yunus told reporters at the Regional Police Headquarters Metro Jaya, Jakarta, Monday (13 July 2020).

"So it does not depend, (but) trying to carry out the burden of his body there was a suicide attempt, but was briefly known by officers at that time and then rushed to the National Police Hospital and given medical treatment," he explained.

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FAC was treated for 3 days in the National Police Hospital. But on Sunday (12 July) at 08.00 pm he was declared dead.

Yusri continued, his party had examined the guard officer. Police have also carried out reconstruction to find out the truth.

"After the reconstruction, it is true that the cable is very high and impossible to reach. The cable is at the end of the holding cell in particular. Then he rises up to the height he jumps and then pulls the cable and then wraps it. That's what we find in the results of the reconstruction, "he explained.

Earlier, the FAC was arrested by police after it was proven that it had perpetrated 305 children. Metro Jaya Police Chief Inspector General Nana Sudjana said many of the suspect victims were street children.

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