Thursday, 25 Apr 2024

Tantrum! The Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) Find Giant Cockroaches in the Sunda Strait, Here's the Form


Giant sea cockroaches found by LIPI in the Java sea watersGiant sea cockroaches found by LIPI in the Java sea waters - The Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) discovered a new type of giant Bathynomus crustacean (shrimp) from the Indonesian sea. The location of the discovery is in the Sunda Strait and south of the island of Java at a depth of 957-1,259 meters below sea level.

The choice of the term giant as a type name refers to the size of the body that is included in the category of large (giant) and very large (supergiant) that can reach sizes above 15 centimeters in adulthood. Occupies the second largest position of the Bathynomus type.

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LIPI Biology Research Center Researcher, Conni Margaretha Sidabalok, in her written statement on Wednesday (15 July 2020) explained that Bathynomus is one of the icons of deep-sea crustaceans with relatively large size and distinctive overall appearance. Morphology Bathynomus Bathynomus has a flat and hard body, although it does not have a carapace or hard shell that protects the internal organs in the body of crustaceans. His eyes are large, flat, and have a wide enough distance between the two.

In the head, Bathynomus is a pair of short antennas at the end of the head. Then, the mouth and limbs are modified for cutlery in the lower segment of the head. Bathynomus has seven pairs of street legs and five pairs of swimming feet.

The identification of the giant Bathynomus was carried out from a male holotype measuring 363 millimeters and a female paratype measuring 298 millimeters. The shape of this animal is like a cockroach.

"In general, the giant Bathynomus is most similar to Bathynomus giganteus and Bathynomus lowry in the size and character range in the tail or pleotelson," Conni said.

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