Thursday, 25 Apr 2024

Not Agree That the Land Is Made as a Shortcut For Residents, a Citizen From Sragen Build A Wall In His Ground


The demolition of walls in Sonem's courtThe demolition of walls in Sonem's court - The three-meter wide hamlet road access in Ngledok Hamlet, Gading Village, Tanon District, Sragen, was blocked by a wall by one of the residents. Despite protests from residents, the landowner insisted on closing the road because he believed the road entered his land.

The event of closing the road was viral on social media. One of them is shared on the Facebook account of Wong Sragen Collection (KWS). Until the afternoon at 14.55 West Indonesia Time, the upload reaped 1,500 likes and commented on 1,900 people.

The wall appears to have been built transversely with a height of about one meter and a width of about three meters. The wall was built of white Hebel, and was built on the north and south sides of the road at a distance of about 25 meters.

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The wall, has an impact on about 11 family heads (KK) who daily pass through the road. Although not isolated, residents must rotate up to 500 meters to pass through another route.

The decision to close was taken by the land picker son, Sonem (60). Sonem, who lives in Magersari Hamlet, decided to close the land because he felt the road was his yard.

"This is the entrance to my land. Next thing I know, the road was built to be this wide, I was not told. I told the village chief to close it," said Sonem.

Interviewed separately, Head of Gading Puryanto Village said that his party had made mediation efforts by calling related parties to the village hall. In this mediation, an agreement finally emerged to tear down the wall that closed the road.

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"After we met with the Muspika, we (the land certificates) met together, there were pictures of the road. Yes, the road agreement had to be kept. One meter was taken from the To Pawiro land, one meter from the Parno land, so the total width the road becomes two meters, "said Puryanto.

Puryanto explained that during the demolition of the wall there was a tension between To Pawiro's heir, Sonem, and local residents. According to Puryanto Sonem, he insisted on building the wall because the road entered his father's estate.

"There was a debate, but we approached it. We explained to Sonem that the road was indeed given by his father for citizens' access. In fact, not all roads actually used Sonem's land, there was one meter that used Parno's land," Puryanto explained.

From the agreement, Sonem's land was only taken about one meter and another meter was taken from the Parno land next to it. Sonem finally gave up his land one meter wide and 25 meters long.

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