Saturday, 27 Apr 2024

Complaint about the claim and salary of employees. BPJS Healthcare still needed help from government


IllustrationIllustration - The deficits that occur in the Health Insurance Agency (BPJS) are still complained, as a result of the BPJS Health payment arrears to pay employee claims and salaries.


Health services are still looking for ways, as stated by Director of BPJS Health Fachmi Idris that there will be fines due to late payment of health services. "If it is late to pay, it will get a 1 percent fine, meaning at the same time to solve this problem, we are also looking for a way out," he said in Jakarta, Tuesday (9/18).


While BPJS is looking for a way out, according to Fachmi health care providers can complete financial matters with factoring programs.


"Hospitals can use factoring programs to complete employee salaries and others with third parties. If we talk interest is not up to 1 percent per month" he said, quoted from Republika on Wednesday, September 19th 2018.


Then he continued, regarding the deficit experienced, BPJS Health was still looking for ways to coordinate with the government. And one of the solutions is the principle of financial management. That is, between balanced budgets income and expenditure must be the same. The first source of income comes from contributions. "At the moment, the contribution is not in accordance with the academic calculation" he said.


According to Fachmi, there are two options to overcome the deficit. The first is to increase fees. However, this option is not chosen because the purchasing power of the people is weakening. The second option is to reduce expenses. But this option is also not chosen so that service to the community should not be reduced.


Finally, additional injection funds are taken. The liquidation of the JKN (National Health Insurance) budget posting of Rp. 9 trillion was chosen to overcome maturing debt.


"Of course there will be another review to complete it. The principle is how the budget is balanced. To prepare the budget, all stakeholders are our part in the kitchen how this service does not stop" he said.


BPJS suffered an alias deficit of up to Rp. 9.75 trillion in 2017. With an income of Rp. 74.25 trillion obtained from the National Health Card-Indonesia Health Insurance (JKN-KIS) contribution, the total expenditure actually reached Rp. 84 trillion.


While Deputy Minister of Finance, Mardiasmo said the estimated BPJS Health deficit in 2018 reached Rp 10.98 trillion. This figure was obtained after an audit by the Finance and Development Supervisory Agency (BPKP).


"The deficit was Rp. 16.58 trillion at the time. After the BPKP made the review there was a correction, the correction was Rp. 5.6 trillion. So the BPKP review of the BPJS deficit was around Rp. 10.98 trillion," said Mardiasmo, in a joint Commission meeting. IX Indonesian House of Representatives, Monday (17/9).

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