Wednesday, 08 May 2024

Surrounded by Smoke Haze, Gema Muharram in Inhil Remains Lively


The committee gave masks to the people who followed Gema Muharram in Inhil DistrictThe committee gave masks to the people who followed Gema Muharram in Inhil District - Every year, Indragiri Hilir (Inhil) Regency holds an Islamic nuance contest in order to enliven Gema Muharram which falls on September 10, 2019.

This year, despite being surrounded by smog but the egg flower tabak competition as an annual competition for the District Religious Tourism Event, which is nicknamed the land of a thousand trenches, the world of coconut palms is still held and even remains vibrant.

The Chairman of the TP-PKK Inhil, Zulaikhah Wardan who was involved as a judge in the competition looked impressed with the creativity of the contestants. According to him, Inhil has many talented people who have bright ideas to develop culture.

The competition was followed by educational institutions ranging from elementary, junior high, to high school and equivalent. In addition there were also participants in the category of government agencies, private agencies, organizations, and mosques / prayer rooms.

"Alhamdulillah, I see that the creations of the egg flower tabak are all good," Zulaikha said.

According to him, all participants had interesting ideas to decorate the tabak and this was an extraordinary thing. "Hopefully in the future it can be increased again," said Zulaikhah.

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