Wednesday, 08 May 2024

Masturbating Using Metal Tubes, This Man's Penis Is Squeezed For 5 Days Until It Got Rot


Source: worldofbuzzSource: worldofbuzz - A 21-year-old man from Thailand finally decided to go to a hospital in Bangkok 5 days after he put his genitals in a metal pipe. The incident began with his idea to cover his penis with black socks before forcing him into a metal pipe fitting 5cm long.

After masturbating, the tip of his manhood is swollen, so the blood circulation in his genitals is blocked. He also locked himself up for 5 days in his house while looking for solutions. He tried every possible thing to get out his genitals. Time by time, the pain became increasingly unbearable, he decided to stop by the hospital.

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He also told the medical officer that he had done the same thing twice before, only without socks. He reached his climax but could not get his manhood out of the pipe.

The hospital finally decided to cut the 3mm thick pipe. After succeeding, his genitals were found blackened and slightly rotten due to blocked blood circulation.
 Some tissue around the genitals becomes visible because the top layer of the skin becomes rotten.

Dr Sitra Likisakul said being stuck like that for 3 hours could cause a man to lose his manhood but he was surprised that the man survived even up to 5 days. Surely this is not a lesson for the man, but for everyone who wants to try dangerous things with their genitals.


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