Friday, 26 Apr 2024

His Third Child Advances to the 2020 Ratna Mainar Harris Wisdom.


Regent of the Runner, HM Harris and wife Ratna Mainar exercised their voting rights at the 2015 Runners' Election.Regent of the Runner, HM Harris and wife Ratna Mainar exercised their voting rights at the 2015 Runners' Election. - In this 2020 Election Day, three sons of Regent Hanger HM Harris follow in the father's footsteps to enter politics.

Responding to this, the wife of the Regent Regent, Ratna Mainar has admitted that she did not want any of her children to advance to the Runner's Election.

"I support, wish the best for my children. Not for one, but for all three," Ratna said on Friday, January 17, 2020.

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Ratna said she was praying for her children to be provided with all the care and convenience of all their efforts by God.

"I pray not for his name or his name. But let God determine who is worthy to advance in the Election," he said.

As you know, Regent Harris's three children will advance to the Election, Arti Budi, Adi Sukemi and Sewitri.

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Ratna revealed that he had hoped that his oldest son, Artiful, would not step into the polytechnic, as it was a place for family life.

However, the facts are different. A lot of support and input from the community is being conveyed to Bob Artiful to advance to the 2020 Runner's Election.

"I did not appoint any of my children to go forward. But as the Malays, I did not agree that women are still the leader," he said.


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